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How To Add More Variety To Your Daily Diet

There are many conversations surrounding eating healthy and sticking to a balanced diet. However, why is it important to vary your diet as often as possible? Eating meals with the same ingredients could cause you to lack other vital nutrients. On the other hand, diversifying your food increases the chances of getting all the nourishment you need. Statistics indicate that some people are making an effort to eat more healthily and diversify their nutrient sources. This is a step in the right direction, and here are some tips to help you do the same.

  1. Mix plant and animal protein

Animal proteins contain all the amino acids required by the body. In another breath, plant protein lacks a few vital nutrients that animal sources readily provide. This is the main reason for mixing your plant and animal protein. As the saying goes, variety is the spice of life. In the absence of any underlying medical condition, nothing should stop you from adding this variety to your plate. For example, people with cardiac problems may be asked to avoid high protein because of the risk of further plaque formation in their blood vessels.

One way to mix plant and animal protein is by adding beans to your breakfast omelet. Better yet, try homemade meat sauce with cashew nuts if you are not allergic to the latter. With a little research, you will find many options that add color and introduce a much-needed variety to your diet.

  1. Practice seasonal eating

Seasonal eating holds more benefits than you probably know about. There is a lot of talk about how cost-effective it is to adopt seasonal eating; however, there are health advantages too. Seasonal eating means you are exposed to new ingredients and food items regularly. Research has shown that seasonal food products are higher in micro and macronutrients because the soil conditions are just right for their growth. Asparagus in spring and tomatoes in the summer usually have higher nutrients in their respective seasons.

A report published by food researchers indicated that there are 5000 phytonutrients in seasonal fruits and vegetables yet to be absorbed by the human body. The researchers explained that many people lose out on these phytonutrients because only a few recognize the importance of seasonal eating. For people looking to add variety to their diet, this is an excellent way to do it. There is nothing better than saving money and eating healthy simultaneously.

  1. Challenge yourself to try healthy and trendy diets

Paleo, ketogenic, vegan, gluten-free, and Atkins diets are examples of trendy but healthy eating styles making waves. These diets focus on different foods that benefit the human body in diverse ways. Knowing your health status before trying out any of these diets is recommended. For example, if you have type 2 diabetes, the intermittent fasting diet may not be ideal for you. However, paleo and keto diets may help you control blood sugar levels by eliminating highly processed foods.

If you are ready to add variety to your diet, you can try any of these ideas weekly. This is to allow your body to adjust to the gradual change from the usual. For instance, a vegan diet may not be your go-to choice if you love meat. Admittedly, you may not be too enthused about a new diet initially. Therefore, you can start slowly and increase it over time.

  1. Try global dishes

The beauty of trying foods from other cultures is the exposure to new ingredients. It gives you the opportunity to gain various micro and macronutrients that your regular foods may not contain. For example, many South Asian dishes contain curry, a powerful antioxidant. It is also known as a superfood in South Asian countries. You can gain the benefits by making curry or another ethnic ingredient a regular feature. This is just one example of many to try.

Apart from the varieties that ethnic foods bring to the table, they are excellent ways to learn about other cultures. For example, the Trader Joe’s air fryer cauliflower gnocchi recipe has Italian origins that you can try on your own. There are several options to generate interest at the dinner table. In the meantime, it is essential to read more about ethnic recipes and their ingredients. This is to prevent unintentional allergic reactions to new ingredients. Most ethnic foods incorporate soy, eggs, shellfish, and peanut products into meals. It will help to take precautions if you or a family member has allergies to any of these.

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