Random Ramblings

Making Cheap Cuts of Meat Tender and Delicious

Often one of the most expensive parts of a meal is going to be the meat. Most recipes will recommend the more expensive cuts because they deliver more flavor. However, when you buy from street food vendors, and even some of the most delicious cultural dishes in the world – they are rarely the best cuts. 

So how can you tenderize and make cheaper cuts taste incredible?


Tough meat needs to be tenderized, and one of the best ways to do that is to use a meat tenderizer and some elbow grease. Many people don’t like to hit the meat physically, but it can help break down tough muscles and allow the seasoning to get into the meat. You don’t need to smash the meat too thinly or too hard, just so that it is a bit more visible. If you don’t have a meat mallet, you can score the meat on the surface in a crosshatch pattern. 


Tough pieces of meat can benefit from the right type of marinade. Acids can help to relax and soften the meat, so things like vinegar, buttermilk, and lemon juice can be increased. The acids gently break down tough proteins and offer a bit of a pre-cook. The sweet spot for softening meat with a marinade is up to about two hours, because if it sits in there too long, it will become too soft. 

Low and Slow

Budget cuts of meat benefit heavily from being in a slow cooker, so if you were making this slow cooker taco soup recipe, for example, you could change the meat to fit your budget. A slow cooker’s low and constant heat helps to loosen up the muscle fibers and breaks down the collagen. Giving you perfectly tender meat without much effort.


Meat loves salt because salt draws out the moisture and gives a deeper and more concentrated flavor to the meat. While you will only leave the meat to marinate for up to two hours, you can use salt for up to 24 hours before cooking. The process will darken the meat up, and you can feel the difference in the toughness by giving a squeeze. 

Room Temperature 

When meat is cold, it contracts, making it even tougher than it should be. If your budget cut doesn’t have much fat on it and goes straight from the fridge to the hot pan, it will stay tough. Letting meat come to room temperature for about 30 minutes will make it a little more relaxed and cook more evenly. 


After preparing your meat, letting it come up to room temperature, and seasoning it perfectly – the last thing you want to do is serve it straight from the heat. Instead, your meat should be allowed to rest for about 5 minutes (more if the meat is thick). Let the meat sit in the juice and serve when the time is up. The juice will still be in the meat and should be succulent and juicy rather than dry and tough. 

Don’t be scared to opt for budget cuts of meat, so long as you take some time to prepare it – it will give you a flavourful meal. 

Treating your meat well, combined with these three skills, will see you well on the way to producing great food: Three Ways to Improve Your Cuisine Skills – Kelly Lynn’s Sweets and Treats.

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